Heady Glass Artists

Heady Glass Artists

Well known heady glass artists are recognized for the complicated methods they use to create intricate pieces of art. Heady glass pieces are very exclusive and almost always one-of-a-kind or numbered in a series. They tend to feature unique glass blowing patterns and designs that showcase the artists skill. This can include wig wag, millies, honeycomb pattern, UV/CFL reactive, and forms throughout their work.
Most heady glass artists have their own style and techniques, which make their glass pieces stand out. Some artists have gotten very popular with certain collectors. Each piece is remarkably unique and will never be produced on a mass scale. Many artists pull inspiration for their designs from everyday items or familiar shapes. Others focus on current pop culture references, cartoon and movie characters, music and much more.

The recognition they deserve

For years, heady glass artists mastered the art of making functional glass. But unlike many others in the industry, functional glass artists have historically had little opportunity to showcase their talents. This has completely changed over the past decade. Heady glassblowers are showcasing their amazing work in art books and competitions, as well as prestigious galleries. The legalization of cannabis in more than half of the country has gotten more eyes on this industry. As a result, heady artists are finally receiving the credit they deserve from the mainstream art scene for all their years of dedication and hard work.

Heady Glass Artists

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