Jerry Kelly Glass

Are you a fan of millies in your heady glass? Then you must check out Jerry Kelly Glass and his unmatched millie work. After taking a look at some of his work, it becomes quite clear that there isn’t much Jerry can’t put in a millie. Everything from cartoon characters to intricate designs, as well as anything 60s related. In fact, Jerry’s work is heavily influenced by everything about the 1960s, including the Grateful Dead and the overall visual style. Jerry Kelly Glass presently resides in Worthington, Massachusetts, where he continues to hone his heady glass blowing skills.

Jerry Kelly Glass

Are you a fan of millies in your heady glass? Then you must check out Jerry Kelly Glass and his unmatched millie work. After taking a look at some of his work, it becomes quite clear that there isn’t much Jerry can’t put in a millie. Everything from cartoon characters to intricate designs, as well as anything 60s related. In fact, Jerry’s work is heavily influenced by everything about the 1960s, including the Grateful Dead and the overall visual style. Jerry Kelly Glass presently resides in Worthington, Massachusetts, where he continues to hone his heady glass blowing skills.

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