Carb Caps

When utilizing any form of dab nail with your dab rig, a carb cap is a must-have dabbing accessory. How a carb cap functions is similar to a pot or pan lid. What this does is retain the heat, allowing your concentrates to evaporate more effectively. This ensures that you always receive the greatest flavor and vapor possible. Ashcatchers feature a tiny hole that helps to reduce airflow and enhance the flavor. You’ll constantly draw cold air into the chamber of your nail if you dab without a carb cap. This flow of air will cool down not only your heating element, but your concentrates as well. And this is all before you even have a chance to savor all of the flavors your concentrates have to offer.

Carb Caps

When utilizing any form of dab nail with your dab rig, a carb cap is a must-have dabbing accessory. How a carb cap functions is similar to a pot or pan lid. What this does is retain the heat, allowing your concentrates to evaporate more effectively. This ensures that you always receive the greatest flavor and vapor possible. Ashcatchers feature a tiny hole that helps to reduce airflow and enhance the flavor. You’ll constantly draw cold air into the chamber of your nail if you dab without a carb cap. This flow of air will cool down not only your heating element, but your concentrates as well. And this is all before you even have a chance to savor all of the flavors your concentrates have to offer.

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