Jebb Glass

It would be an understatement to say that Blaize Brannon (AKA Jebb Glass) is heavily influenced by medieval times. That is immediately apparent when looking at any of his work. You’ll notice the influence in his castles and other dab rigs, as well as his weapon accessories. Blaize is currently living in California where he works his craft at the Snackatorium with fellow heady glass artist Shelbo Glass.

Jebb Glass

It would be an understatement to say that Blaize Brannon (AKA Jebb Glass) is heavily influenced by medieval times. That is immediately apparent when looking at any of his work. You’ll notice the influence in his castles and other dab rigs, as well as his weapon accessories. Blaize is currently living in California where he works his craft at the Snackatorium with fellow heady glass artist Shelbo Glass.

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